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Common questions that are frequently asked

and gathered in one place

Who is the developer behind this project?

My name is Yuri, a 35-year-old product designer at a high-tech company. Married, and have two children. From a young age, I have harbored a dream of developing a computer game. As a self-taught individual, I have enjoyed delving into various related fields. After years of nurturing this dream, I have finally taken the initiative to start my own project.

How do you handle funding and budget for your project?

Currently, I am employed full-time, and I dedicate all my remaining time to my project. My personal savings are directly impacted by this endeavor, as all funding is self-sourced.


How do you stay motivated throughout the development process?

Staying motivated over time requires a great deal of perseverance, and I would say it’s a daily effort in itself. Of course, the thought of people experiencing my game firsthand gives me hope to keep working on the project. Practically, I usually take breaks in between, doing household chores, watching movies, and occasionally playing games. Stepping away from the computer helps me reset and continue working effectively.

What is the most rewarding aspect of game development for you?

I find each stage of development captivating because it keeps me mentally agile. Working independently allows me to seamlessly shift between different fields, preventing fatigue. Being visually oriented, I thoroughly enjoy engaging with various aspects of the project.

How do you handle playtesting and feedback?

Currently, every feature developed and every part of the game is tested solely by me. In the future, I plan to build a more focused team of testers who can influence the game's direction in terms of bugs and more. If you're interested in joining such a team, send me an email at

Are you working alone or with a team?

I work independently at the moment and currently do not have the capability to pay. However, in the future, if I start accepting donations to continue development, I could potentially expand the team and even offer full payment. If you’re impressed by the project and find it interesting, and you’re considering contributing your time, you’re always welcome to reach out to me at

How do you manage your time and tasks

Each task is broken down into stages, in a complete hierarchy. Often, I cannot progress without completing a specific part needed to achieve a comprehensive picture. For instance, when working on a character, I can visualize how they fit into the environment, how their sound will affect them, and even programming aspects. This means a task can start as a single sentence and develop into substantial dimensions.
Overall, I have larger goals broken down into smaller and even micro tasks, so everything integrates towards a single point.

What challenges have you faced during development?

Every development task is a challenge in itself. The field of game development is new to me, and every day I learn something new about it. Therefore, every task, whether small or large, can pose a challenge. I believe even in large companies, there’s nothing that can be considered easy. Ultimately, this industry is the most creative, yet challenging, to navigate and produce within.

What tools and software are you using for development?

For the most part, I work with Unity game engine, Maya for modeling, Ableton for audio, Cursor for coding, and for visual aspects like branding or user interface i use Figma, and other Adobe software for support.
And of course, pen and notebook. I’ve recently found this method to be highly effective in the creative aspect. The connection between hand and brain is optimized (according to various studies), and of course, you’re not facing a screen, which helps to disconnect.

How long have you been working on this project

I started working on the project at the end of 2022. During that time, I learned about game engines and all the 3D software tools, tinkering here and there but without doing anything extensive. Afterward, I made the decision to embark on a long-term project that would demand a lot of effort. Slowly but surely, I began to develop it, initially on paper with sketches, then moving on to world-building, and eventually creating concept art on the computer.


What is the main concept or story of your game

The general idea of the game is to find the missing parents of a little girl who has ended up in a new situation in a parallel world to ours, millions of light-years away. Throughout the game, players will need to solve various tasks. I prefer not to call them puzzles as I don’t connect with that term, but there will be a large number of diverse tasks to overcome, discovering different dark and mysterious areas on this planet simultaneously.


What inspired you to begin working on this project?

I’ve been gaming since a young age, starting with platformers. In recent years, I’ve discovered projects that impressed me with their execution, artistry, and narrative approach. Some notable examples include “Little Nightmares,” “Limbo,” and “Inside.”


What sets this type of game apart from others?

In the platformer genre, there are rarely new innovations in terms of player movement, where typically the character can only move to the right. Games like Metroidvania require leveling up to access more challenging or closed-off areas.
The main difference in my project is that the main character can move in any direction within their travel range, allowing them to explore different worlds and areas. Even if they move to the right, they can also venture deep into space, which adds complexity to development but offers players a slightly different experience. So, as I mentioned, the full spatial movement and the option to go anywhere, backtrack, and traverse through transportation systems like a metro, provide players with discovery and exploration options.

Will the game include multiplayer or co-op features?

Currently, I don’t see multiplayer fitting into the current project. However, perhaps in the future, an option to play with a local or networked player could be integrated.

Will your game support modding?

I would always be happy if the project expands to larger dimensions and receives great love from the community, and of course, continues to thrive. So, the answer is likely yes, such an option will be considered.


What is the reason the project is transparent to the community?

I was initially skeptical about this approach of transparency. I always believed in keeping the project completely confidential until the end, to unveil and market it then. However, I’ve come to realize that this strategy could potentially harm the project, and without proper feedback, the game might not resonate with players at all. Therefore, I’ve chosen to embrace transparency with the community, gather feedback, and continue gathering energy to further develop it.

Is there a storyline planned for this game?

Of course, the game is built around a single narrative that evolves with the player’s progress. Additionally, there will be other events on the planet where the player can divert their attention from the main mission and even engage in other interesting tasks.

What types of content and features can players expect in the game?

The planet consists of a diverse array of continents, each divided into various regions with changing weather conditions, geological features, and varying levels of small and large cities. Each of these regions offers a multitude of tasks and points of interest, alongside the main storyline that prompts the player to explore numerous spaces. Regarding gameplay mechanics, players will need to manage equipment that they can upgrade to overcome challenges. I’m currently considering adding combat mechanics, but this aspect is still under consideration.


On which platforms do you plan to release your game?

Right now, I’m aiming to launch the game on PC and mobile platforms. Of course, the big aspiration and dream is to launch on consoles.

Does the game support controllers?

Development is concurrently done with both keyboard and controller support. I believe playing with a controller enhances the gaming experience and emotional connection to the main character.

What are the hardware requirements to run the game?

As a principle, the game won’t require too much power from personal computers since my goal is to reach as many players as possible. However, if you’re still interested, you can start from a basic setup like an Intel i5 processor and a mid-range graphics card from the past five years.

What monetization model will the game follow?

The player will only need to pay for the game to play it, without any in-game purchases required to improve or advance. I don’t believe in that approach.
Of course, all updates to the game will be provided for free, including any associated improvements.
I would be happy to give the game as a gift to anyone interested, but since we live in a material world where bills can’t be paid with good intentions alone.
The cost ranges from $9 to $15 for early purchase and $19 to $25 for the full release per copy.
In the future, Im may consider adding additional content such as an explanatory book and music for an additional fee.


What is the expected release date for the game?

Given that development progresses only when I’m free from my current job, it demands a substantial time commitment. My goal is to release the initial demo version by mid-2025.
Certainly, securing funding or donations could accelerate the project timeline, potentially leading to the full game release.
If you believe you can contribute your time and wish to join the project, please contact me via email at
For those interested in contributing financially, you can support us on Patreon at

What are your post-launch support and update plans for the game?

After the game is released to the world, there will be continuous updates and improvements in the near future. I will also consider adding a variety of content expansions tailored to enriching the game experience, all influenced by community feedback and project interest.

How can I contribute to the project?

To anyone interested in contributing to the project, joining the team, or providing feedback, you can do so through the built-in form on the website or by direct email to
Financial contributions are also welcome at

Will the game support localization?

Currently, the primary language is English, and I am considering adding additional languages. Today, it’s easy to handle this issue through artificial intelligence. So, the answer is yes, there will be additional languages.


Can I participate as a game tester?

Of course, I plan to build a dedicated focus group for this topic. I would be glad if you could contact me

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